
Change. Deeper. Smarter.


#Orgshift summer reading list 2015

Posted 6 August, 2015 · 1 Comment

By Clare Goggin. Originally posted at http://www.claregoggin.blogspot.co.uk/

For those who weren’t lucky enough to join us at the OrgShift unconference yesterday, I thought I would share the reading list that I compiled to plough through this summer:

Reinventing Organisations, Frederic Laloux


The Nature of the Future, Marina Gorbis


Accelerate, John Kotter


The Firm, the Market and the Law, R.H. Coase


The Discourse Platform, Frederic Laloux




The Human Organising Project


For those who did attend, have I missed anything key?

One Response to "#Orgshift summer reading list 2015"

6 August, 2015 at 6:10 pm

Many thanks Clare. I would add We The People: Consenting to a deeper democracy, by John Buck & Sharon Villines, the best Handbook of Sociocracy.

Also, anything by Harrison Owen, the discoverer of Open Space and bona fide guru of self organising work and facilitative leadership.

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